ISO/CIE 8995-1:2025

مواصفة قياسية دولية   الإصدار الحالي · اعتمدت بتاريخ ٣١ يناير ٢٠٢٥

Light and lighting — Lighting of work places — Part 1: Indoor

ملفات الوثيقة ISO/CIE 8995-1:2025

الإنجليزية 109 صفحات
الإصدار الحالي
242.46 USD

مجال الوثيقة ISO/CIE 8995-1:2025

This document specifies lighting requirements for humans in indoor work places, which meet the needs for visual comfort, performance and safety of people having normal, or corrected to normal visual capacity and response to light.

This document specifies requirements for lighting solutions for typical indoor work places and their associated areas in terms of quantity and quality of illumination. The illumination can be provided by daylight, electric light sources, or a combination of both.

This document gives recommendations for good lighting to fulfil the needs of integrative lighting.

This document neither provides specific solutions nor recommendations for atmosphere or aesthetics created by lighting. It does not restrict the designers' freedom from exploring new techniques nor restrict the use of innovative equipment.

This document is not applicable for emergency lighting. For emergency lighting, see ISO 30061.

الأكثر مبيعاً

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